Sunday, April 24, 2011

ST95005620AS Momentus XT SD25 Available

Momentus XT Firmware Update

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned but SD25 Firmware has been released by Seagate. This would apply to you if you have the Seagate Momentus XT Hybrid drive(s) in your laptop.

I looked for a change log and couldn't find one. I installed the update on my G73JH via the Windows Installer. It worked perfectly. Please note that my machine did not come with this drive. I purchased one about a year later so mine is a retail version although I'm not aware of any difference between the OEM and retail drives.

Reply 1 : ST95005620AS Momentus XT SD25 Available

Updated to sd25 aswell, sometime last week, but I cannot see any difference between sd25 and sd24.

Make sure to turn the hdds to IDE in bios before updating, otherwise it will not work.

Reply 2 : ST95005620AS Momentus XT SD25 Available

Thanks. I don't have an XT in my G73 but I do have one in my nVidia ION netbook. Can't tell any differences either but still nice to have the latest.

Not sure why but I left my drives on AHCI and it flashed the new firmware just fine. Didn't see the warning to switch it in time but all went just fine for me... on the netbook.

Reply 3 : ST95005620AS Momentus XT SD25 Available

AHCI mode will flash fine. Only RAID fails to work when flashing firmware (even if that drive is not part of a RAID array)

Reply 4 : ST95005620AS Momentus XT SD25 Available

thx 4 news

Reply 5 : ST95005620AS Momentus XT SD25 Available

Thanks for the post I will try to install it tonight.

It's being 2 months that I have this drive installed and didn't have any issue for now.

Reply 6 : ST95005620AS Momentus XT SD25 Available

@Jody: just flashed the SW lappy to SD25. Pretty straight-forward using the Windows Installer.

Reply 7 : ST95005620AS Momentus XT SD25 Available


Originally Posted by Chastity
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@Jody: just flashed the SW lappy to SD25. Pretty straight-forward using the Windows Installer.

I wish I knew what it fixes. I wasn't having any problems with the drive so I haven't noticed an improvement per se. The drive makes a machine boot pretty quickly but then everything from there on out seems to run at the same speed to me. If you launch a program a couple of times it will launch quickly until you reboot. I could see it being much handier on a machine that stays running for long periods of time. I shut mine down and take it to work every day so it never really builds up a useful cache other than bootup files.

Reply 8 : ST95005620AS Momentus XT SD25 Available

I know one thing it fixes... it will update OEM Seagate drives without needing to do a force update, unlike SD24's installer.

Reply 9 : ST95005620AS Momentus XT SD25 Available

True lol.

Anyway, for me it didnt install the firmware in AHCI mode, that's why I mentioned about switching to IDE earlier.

1 comment:

  1. Here is the official Seagate Momentus XT SD26 firmware update. SD26 is the latest version of the drive's firmware as of the end of August, 2011.

    Windows version (easiest):

    Bootable iso version:
