Sunday, April 24, 2011

CF-18 Touch Screen not working

I restore the notebook with the restore disc from Panasonic and the touch screen doesn't. I was wondering if there is a broken fuses or bad sensor board.

How can I run diagnostics on the touch screen?

Thanks in Advances


Reply 1 : CF-18 Touch Screen not working

This has all been said before.

Do this:

1. F2 into bios make sure Touch Screen is enabled.

2. Page over and set to defaults. [F10]

Provide your full model number. From first screen in bios.

Use this search engine for a LOT more information. Replace TEST with CF-18 FAQ for instance.

TEST - Google Search

Reply 2 : CF-18 Touch Screen not working

The touch screen is enabled in BIOs and its set to defaults. It still doesn't work. Here is the full model number: CF-18NHH2XBM

Reply 3 : CF-18 Touch Screen not working

Did the touchscreen ever work?

Reply 4 : CF-18 Touch Screen not working

yes it was working before the reload.

Reply 5 : CF-18 Touch Screen not working

I had a Cf 29 that the Touchscreen worked until I reloaded windows. The calibration was erased during the install and I could not recalibrate it. It turned out to be a hardware failure of the touchscreen.

Reply 6 : CF-18 Touch Screen not working

Okay, did you end up replacing the screen then? By the way you have any step to prevent this from happen again if reload is needed?

Reply 7 : CF-18 Touch Screen not working

I repaired the screen. Same outcome as if I replaced the screen. With a good screen the reload will not cause a problem. After the screen replacement/repair, I reloaded WinXP twice with no problem.

Reply 8 : CF-18 Touch Screen not working

I "fixed" a TS the other day by unplugging and re-seating two plugs. In the TSPCB in the screen. I'm not sure which one was the culprit but suspect the ribbon tape from the Touch Panel. I was careful to not pull on the ribbon tape so as not to disturb the ribbon where it goes into the TS panel. I first removed and re-set the connector under the keyboard but this didn't help.

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